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Starting with France

2007-07-12 09:13

Only France counts now – that’s what Polish players keep repeating before their first match of this year’s World League Final Round. Today’s game may be a key to their advance to the semifinals.

One thing is for sure – our players don’t remember their last meeting with the “Tricolors” as pleasant. In 2004 in Katowice the French defeated our team twice, closing our way to the final tournament of the World League. We don’t fear France more than the other opponents – says our team’s receiver Sebastian Swiderski. We haven’t played against them for a long time, so we’ll have to spend a bit more time analyzing their game but we count on our steady reception and good defensive play in the first place. The weight of an eventual victory is well felt by Lukasz Zygadlo – This is going to be the most important game, an opening match which, I hope, will open us the way to the finals.
During all of our team’s matches the Katowice Spodek Hall will be full as usual. Playing in such a tournament in front of your own public is a great experience. There will be no jitters though – promises Swiderski. The joy of our fans is what pleases us the most. We hope that Spodek (“Saucer”) will just blast off – adds Lukasz Zygadlo.
The Poland vs. France match will start at 8:00 PM.

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